IPMU Colloquium

Speaker: Graham White (Kavli IPMU)
Title: Macroscopic objects in the early Universe: signals and applications (Postdoc Colloquium)
Date (JST): Fri, Oct 01, 2021, 11:30 - 12:00
Place: Zoom
Related File: 2690.pdf
Abstract: Q balls can exist when there is a conserved charge and it is energetically favourable for quanta to form an extended macroscopic object rather than a set of particles in a plasma. Their often arise from flat potentials, so can easily be formed during fragmentation. If they redshift like matter, they will come to dominate the Universe and their decay will be suppressed by the surface area to volume ratio. When they do decay, it causes a sudden change in the equation of state leading to an observable gravitational background. A couple of particularly interesting scenerios in which such Q-balls can arise are Affleck Dine baryogenesis and the standard model. Affleck Dine is a paradigm for explaining the matter-anti matter asymmetry of the Universe, and generically leads to Q-balls long lived enough to leave an observable signal. It is highly non-trivial to have any signal at all arising from Affleck Dine bayrogenesis. Remarkably, the Standard Model also admits a Q-ball, as early enough in the Universe interactions that break Higgs number are slow enough that Higgs is a conserved quantum number. Further, partially due to temperature corrections and partially due to RG improvement, there is a region of field space that admits Higgs balls. In this case the Higgs ball redshifts almost like radiation and it is difficult to make them dominate. However, I will discuss some applications of these Standard Model Higgs balls
Contact: https://ipmu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VTTp-bOdQY6GHCMDQrFVIg
Remarks: IPMU Postdoc Colloquium Series
Registration necessary from here: https://ipmu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VTTp-bOdQY6GHCMDQrFVIg