
Tomohiro Fujita
Visiting Scientist  (from 2025/01/10 )
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Main Affiliation
Ochanomizu University

Research Field
Theoretical Physics (Cosmology)
<fujita.tomohiro _at_> 

Last Update 2025/02/05

My field of expertise is cosmology. My research spans a wide range of topics, including early-universe studies using particle theory (e.g. inflation), dark matter searches, and the formation of large-scale structures. I aim to be a theorist who works in close collaboration with observations and experiments. Recently, I have also been working on low-energy quantum gravity and its experimental verification. Kavli IPMU is my "home institute," where I spent my years as a graduate student and earned my PhD. I am truly delighted to have the opportunity to conduct research at Kavli IPMU once again and look forward to deepening my studies through new challenges and discoveries in this inspiring environment.

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