
Kookhyun Kang
Project Assistant Professor (from 2024/08/16 )
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Research Field
Experimental Physics (High Energy Physics)
<kookhyun.kang _at_> 

Last Update 2025/02/05

I have been working on the silicon detector development and Time-dependent CP violation (TDCPV) in the Belle experiment. TDCPV can be caused by interference between the decay and mixing amplitudes and it can be measured by the decay-rate difference between B-meson pairs with time dependency. This measurement is strong evidence and result for CKM theory and won the Nobel prize 2008 in Physics. The vertex information of the particles is very important for the TDCPV measurement, and the silicon detector is the best detector to measure the TDCPV, so it is used in the Belle & Belle II experiments. I have contributed to producing ladders of the silicon vertex detector (SVD) for Belle II when I was a graduate student and now I am working for SVD and TDCPV in the Belle II.

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