Alumnae and Alumni

Junjie Xia
Todai Postdoctoral Research Fellow [東京大学特別研究員] (from 2022/11/01 to 2024/10/31) [JSPS Fellow]
Current Affiliation
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Research Associate


My research focuses on precise measurements of neutrinos. I have extensive experience in Super-K and T2K experiments to determine the neutrino standard oscillation parameters, including PMNS mixing angles, mass hierarchy, and Dirac CP phase. Accurate measurements of these parameters will lead to breakthroughs in areas such as The GUT and Leptogenesis.

Meanwhile, cosmological observation also provides critical constraints on neutrino parameters such as CMB for the neutrino absolute mass scale. Thus I am interested in forming collaborations with the cosmological community to make progress in this exciting field.

Last Update 2025/01/19

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