Alumnae and Alumni

Satoru Takakura
Todai Postdoctoral Research Fellow (from 2018/04/01 to 2021/03/31) [JSPS Fellow]
Current Affiliation
International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of Universe and Particles, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Assistant Professor


Last Update 2024/05/14

I have participated in the POLARBEAR experiment, which is a cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization measurement at the Atacama Desert in Chile. My main work is mitigation of low-frequency noise, which is very important to observe inflationary B-modes. I have developed a polarization modulator using a continuously rotating half-wave plate and started large patch observations using it. I will continue Simons Array, an upgrade of POLARBEAR, and also collaborate with people developing a polarization modulator for LiteBIRD at the Kavli IPMU.

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