Alumnae and Alumni

Kallol Sen
Project Researcher (from 2016/09/01 to 2019/09/10)
Current Affiliation
Raman Research Institute


Conformal field theories have been in use for quite some time as a tool towards understanding the strongly coupled field theories when a conventional Lagrangian description is not available. This tool has gained more mileage after the revival of the conformal bootstrap program in the recent years where using the symmetries, it is possible to retrieve nontrivial information about the field theories at strong coupling. Currently my research is focused on a more detailed understanding of the Bootstrap formalism and its applications to various field theories. Using the numerical and analytical aspects of the formalism it is possible to explore field theories at both weak and strong coupling. A knowledge of the operator content of the theory and various interactions might actually pave the way for building up the Lagrangian description where it is not available.

Last Update 2024/05/20

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