
Konstantin Aleshkin
Project Researcher (from 2024/09/01 ) [Kavli IPMU Fellow]
Research Field
<konstantin.aleshkin _at_> 

Last Update 2024/09/25

In a broad sense, I am interested in Geometry and Mathematical Physics. My research focuses on enumerative geometry and virtual counts of algebraic curves. I enjoy exploring the mathematical structures that arise from such counts.

Lately, I have primarily been working on the mathematical theory of Gauged Linear Sigma Models (GLSM), which modify and extend the usual theory of stable map counting, also known as Gromov-Witten theory. Conceptually, GLSM count virtual intersection numbers in the critical loci of holomorphic functions.

In particular, I am studying wall crossing and mirror symmetry for GLSM and their K-theoretic versions. I am working on examples of GLSM that provide new enumerative theories and connect with more classical ones.

Some of my other research directions include singularity theory, tt*-geometry, integrable systems, and Liouville Gravity.

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