Mohammad Khaled Hashem Mardini
Last Update 2024/01/23
I was a Ph.D. student (2016-2019) at the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. My Ph.D thesis, which was recognized with the 2019 Excellent Ph.D student award by the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, centered around searches for the chemical fingerprints of the first stars using high-resolution spectroscopic follow-up with the Automated Planet Finder Telescope of metal-poor candidates identified from the third data release of LAMOST.
My research focuses on identifying, spectroscopic follow-up, detailed chemical abundance, and kinematics study of the oldest stars in our Galaxy and the Universe (CEMP, UMP, r-II stars). The photometric and spectroscopic analysis of these stars enables us to extract information about their formation, the evolution of the chemistry in the early Universe, initial mass function, and supernova yields. In addition, the coupling of the observed abundance patterns of these stars with kinematics derived from Gaia observations and results from cosmological simulations will enable us to study the Galactic assembly and chemical evolution in the early Universe.
In general, my work ranges from large database manipulation (to select suitable targets for observation), statistical methods, preparing and executing observations, reducing and processing data, to the high-resolution spectral synthesis of absorption features in stellar spectra.
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