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Yoshinari Hayato
Visiting Scientist  (from 2008/02/01 )
Main Affiliation
Kamioka Observatory, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, the University of Tokyo

Research Field
Experimental Physics (Neutrino Physics)
<hayato _at_ icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp> 

One of my main research topics is the study of neutrino-nucleus interactions. Because the interaction probability of neutrino is small, the uncertainties from the neutrino-nucleus interactions are one of the main source of the systematic errors in the recent long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments to determine the basic properties of neutrinos, such as oscillation parameters, the CP violation parameter and the mass hierarchy. We collaborate with various experimental and theoretical groups to understand the data and develop the neutrino-nucleus interaction simulation libraries, called NEUT, for the SK and the T2K experiments. NEUT is also provided to the other experiments for the evaluation and further improvements. I've been also working on the development of the electronics and data acquisition (DAQ) system for the neutrino experiments. Currently, I'm leading the design and development of the electronics and DAQ system for the Hyper-Kamiokande project.

Last Update 2023/11/14

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