Kavli IPMU Visitors (2016)
Please note that expected schedule of visits listed here are subject to change.
Name | Affiliation | Contact person | Research Field | From | To | Purpose |
Naohito Nakasato | U Aizu | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2012/03/01 | 2017/09/29 | Research |
Giovanni Faonte | Yale Univ. | Mikhail Kapranov | Mathematics | 2014/09/01 | 2016/08/31 | Research |
Svyatoslav Pimenov | Yale Univ. | Mikhail Kapranov | Mathematics | 2014/09/01 | 2016/08/31 | Research |
Daichi Kashino | Nagoya U | Naoshi Sugiyama | Astronomy | 2015/03/25 | 2016/09/30 | Research |
Denis Degtyarev | HSE, National Research University | Alexey Bondal | Mathematics | 2015/11/17 | 2016/02/15 | Research |
Yuichiro Kiyo | Juntendo U | Takeo Higuchi | Particle Theory | 2015/12/19 | 2016/02/19 | Attendance |
Andrew Bunker | U Oxford | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2015/12/26 | 2016/01/13 | Research |
Chiaki Kobayashi | U Hertfordshire | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2015/12/26 | 2016/01/12 | Research |
Patrick Decowski | U Amsterdam | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/03 | 2016/01/10 | ||
Petr Baklanov | ITEP | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/01/04 | 2016/01/30 | Speaker |
Hyebin Jeon | Kyungpook National U | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/04 | 2016/02/27 | Research |
Kookhyun Kang | Kyungpook National U | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/04 | 2016/02/27 | Research |
Minori Watanabe | National Inst of Tech, Asahikawa | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/04 | 2016/01/08 | Research |
Johan Samsing | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/01/05 | 2016/01/25 | Speaker |
Kameswara Rao Kodali | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/10 | 2016/02/27 | Research |
Sebastien Peirani | IAP | Kevin Allen Bundy | Astrophysics | 2016/01/10 | 2016/11/09 | Research |
Raje Thomas | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/10 | 2016/02/10 | Research |
Werner Tornow | Duke U | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/10 | 2016/01/24 | Research | |
Jorgen Rennemo | All Souls College Oxford | Todor Eliseev Milanov | Mathematics | 2016/01/11 | 2016/01/15 | Speaker |
Yasuyuki Hatsuda | U Geneva | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/01/12 | 2016/01/15 | Speaker |
Tomoaki Ishiyama | NAOJ | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/01/12 | 2016/01/12 | Research |
Edwin L Turner | Princeton U | Hitoshi Murayama | Astrophysics | 2016/01/12 | 2016/01/29 | Research |
Timothy Logvinenko | Cardiff U | Todor Eliseev Milanov | Mathematics | 2016/01/13 | 2016/01/22 | Speaker |
Yutaka Ushiroda | KEK | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/15 | 2016/01/15 | Research |
Alina Kiessling | NASA JPL/Caltech | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/01/17 | 2016/01/28 | Research |
Sukant Narendra Mayekar | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/17 | 2016/02/27 | Research |
Heiko Moller | TU Darmstadt | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/01/17 | 2016/01/30 | Research |
Jason Rhodes | NASA JPL/Caltech | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/01/17 | 2016/01/28 | Research |
Hironao Miyatake | NASA JPL/Caltech | Masahiro Takada | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/18 | 2016/01/18 | Research |
Hokuto Uehara | Tokyo Metropolitan U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/01/18 | 2016/01/19 | Research |
Mangesh Mandlik | TIFR | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/01/19 | 2016/01/23 | Speaker |
Shinya Kanemura | U Toyama | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/01/20 | 2016/01/21 | Speaker |
Tomotake Matsumura | JAXA | Nobuhiko Katayama | Experimental Physics | 2016/01/20 | 2016/01/22 | Speaker |
Zheng Hua | HKU | Todor Eliseev Milanov | Mathematics | 2016/01/21 | 2016/01/21 | Speaker |
Toshio Suzuki | Nihon U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | 2016/01/21 | 2016/01/22 | Research | |
Hiroshi Toki | Osaka U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | 2016/01/21 | 2016/01/22 | Research | |
Chan Youn Park | Rutgers U, New Brunswick/Piscataway | Dongmin Gang | String Theory | 2016/01/24 | 2016/01/29 | Speaker |
Hirohisa Tanaka | U British Columbia | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/24 | 2016/02/05 | Research |
Chris Belczynski | U Warsaw | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/01/25 | 2016/01/29 | Speaker |
Agnieszka Maria Bodzenta-Skibinska | U Edinburgh | Alexey Bondal | Mathematics | 2016/01/25 | 2016/02/10 | Research |
Abigail Crites | CALTECH | Nobuhiko Katayama | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/25 | 2016/01/29 | Speaker |
Hironao Miyatake | NASA JPL/Caltech | Masahiro Takada | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/25 | 2016/02/10 | Research |
Anneta Ferre-Mateu | NAOJ, Hawaii | Alessandro Sonnenfeld | 2016/01/26 | 2016/01/26 | Speaker | |
Markus Friedl | HEPHY, Austrian Academy of Sciences | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/27 | 2016/02/10 | Research |
Daichi Kashino | Nagoya U | John David Silverman | Astronomy | 2016/01/28 | 2016/02/05 | Research |
Ying Zu | Carnegie Mellon U | Surhud Shrikant More | Astronomy | 2016/01/30 | 2016/02/04 | Speaker |
Lauren Anthony | U Liverpool | Mark Patrick Hartz | Particle Theory | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Maria Antonova | INR RAS | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Gary Barker | U Warwick | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Vincenzo Berardi | INFN | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Workshop |
Sara Bolognesi | CEA-Saclay | Mark Patrick Hartz | Experimental Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Alessandro Bravar | U Geneva | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Maria Gabriella Catanesi | INFN | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
June Ho Choi | Dongshin U | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Gianmaria Collazuol | U Padua (Padova) | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Gianfranca De Rosa | INFN | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Thomas (Tom) Dealtry | U Oxford | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Francesca Di Lodovico | QMUL | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Nova Federico | Rutherford Appleton Lab. | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Pablo Fernandez Menendez | U Autonoma Madrid | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Alexander Finch | Lancaster U | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Michel Gonin | Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
David Hadley | U Warwick | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
David Hadley | U Warwick | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Yoshinari Hayato | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Seiko Hirota | Kyoto U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Motoyasu Ikeda | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
James Imber | Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet | Mark Patrick Hartz | Experimental Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Taku Ishida | KEK | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Masaki Ishitsuka | Tokyo Tech | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Yoshitaka Itow | Nagoya U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Blair Jamieson | U Winnipeg | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Han Il Jang | Seokyeong U | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Workshop | |
Jee Seung Jang | GIST | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Miao Jiang | Kyoto U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Jun Kameda | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Woosik Kang | Sungkyunkwan U | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Teppei Katori | QMUL | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Marat Khabibullin | INR RAS | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
JongHyun Kim | Sungkyunkwan U | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Aaron Knight | U Warwick | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Takashi Kobayashi | KEK | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Akira Konaka | TRIUMF | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Yusuke Koshio | Okayama U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Yury Kudenko | INR RAS | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Thomas Kutter | Louisiana State U | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Masahiro Kuze | Tokyo Tech | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Luis Labarga | U Autonoma Madrid | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-k |
Justyna Lagoda | NCBJ | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
In Taek Lim | Chonnam National U | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Tianmeng Lou | U Tokyo | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Pier Loverre | Sapienza U of Rome | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Lorenzo Magaletti | INFN | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
John Martin | U Toronto | Mark Patrick Hartz | Experimental Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Shigenobu Matsuno | U Hawaii | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Neil Mccauley | U Liverpool | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Shunichi Mine | UC Irvine | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Makoto Miura | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Jocelyn Monroe | Royal Holloway | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-k | |
Shigetaka Moriyama | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Fumimasa Muto | Nagoya U | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Masayuki Nakahata | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | Astroparticle Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Tsuyoshi Nakaya | Kyoto U | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Shoei Nakayama | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Yasuhiro Nishimura | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Hiroshi Nunokawa | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Yuji Okajima | Tokyo Tech | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Erin O’sullivan | Duke U | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Przewlocki Pawel | NCBJ | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Magdalena Zofia Posiadala-Zezula | U Warsaw | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Adrian Pritchard | U Liverpool | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Benjamin Pascal Jean-Marie Guillaume Quilain | Kyoto U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Emilio Radicioni | INFN | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Mark Rayner | U Geneva | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Ciro Riccio | U Naples | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Benjamin Richards | QMUL | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Ewa Rondio | NCBJ | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Carsten Rott | Sungkyunkwan U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Astrophysics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Yotaro Sato | U Tokyo | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Mark Scott | TRIUMF | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Tetsuro Sekiguchi | KEK | Mark Patrick Hartz | Experimental Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Hiroyuki Sekiya | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | hyper-K |
Raj Shah | U Oxford | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Masato Shiozawa | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Samantha Short | QMUL | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Charles Henry Simpson | U Oxford | Mark Patrick Hartz | Astroparticle Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Henry W Sobel | UC Irvine | Mark Patrick Hartz | Astroparticle Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Yutaro Sonoda | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Trevor Stewart | Rutherford Appleton Lab. | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Yusuke Suda | U Tokyo | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Sergey Suvorov | INR RAS | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Atsumu Suzuki | Kobe U | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Atsushi Takeda | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | Astroparticle Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Akimichi Taketa | U Tokyo | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Yasuo Takeuchi | Kobe U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Astroparticle Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Hidekazu Tanaka | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Hirohisa Tanaka | U British Columbia | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Lee Thompson | U Sheffield | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Cristovao Vilela | SUNY, Stony Brook | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Christopher W. Walter | Duke U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
David L Wark | Rutherford Appleton Lab. | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Roger Alexandre Wendell | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Jeffrey Wilkes | U Washington | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Michael Wilking | SUNY, Stony Brook | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Jeanne Wilson | QMUL | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Takatomi Yano | Kobe U | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-k |
Masashi Yokoyama | U Tokyo | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Tomoyo Yoshida | Tokyo Tech | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Joanna Zalipska | NCBJ | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Marcin Ziembicki | Warsaw U of Tech | Mark Patrick Hartz | Experimental Physics | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K |
Marco Zito | CEA-Saclay | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/01/31 | 2016/02/02 | Hyper-K | |
Xiaoyi Cui | U Gttingen | Feng Luo | Mathematics | 2016/02/01 | 2016/03/31 | Research |
Sheila Kannappan | U North Carolina | David Vincent Stark | 2016/02/01 | 2016/02/05 | Speaker | |
Lorenzo Calibbi | ULB | Michihisa Takeuchi | 2016/02/02 | 2016/02/02 | Speaker | |
Marco Cirelli | CNRS | Mihoko Nojiri | Particle Theory | 2016/02/04 | 2016/02/12 | Speaker |
Gagan Bihari Mohanty | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/02/04 | 2016/02/05 | Research |
Atsushi Nishizawa | Nagoya U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/02/04 | 2016/02/06 | Research |
Charles Milton Melby-Thompson | Fudan U | Dongmin Gang | String Theory | 2016/02/05 | 2016/02/13 | Speaker |
Nobuhiko Sato | KEK | Takeo Higuchi | Experimental Physics | 2016/02/05 | 2016/02/05 | Research |
Juliana Kwan | U Pennsylvania | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/02/06 | 2016/02/26 | Research |
Sanshiro Enomoto | U Washington, Seattle | Neutrino Physics | 2016/02/07 | 2016/02/14 | Research | |
Vassili Gorbounov | U Aberdeen | Todor Eliseev Milanov | Mathematics | 2016/02/08 | 2016/02/18 | Speaker |
Bruce Berger | Colorado State U | Neutrino Physics | 2016/02/10 | 2016/02/19 | Research | |
Alex Mitov | U Cambridge | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/02/13 | 2016/02/17 | Speaker |
Francesca Di Lodovico | QMUL | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/02/14 | 2016/02/20 | Research |
Phil Evans | U Leicester | 2016/02/16 | 2016/02/20 | Speaker | ||
Junya Yagi | U Warsaw | Masahito Yamazaki | Particle Theory | 2016/02/16 | 2016/02/16 | Speaker |
Kipp Cannon | U Tokyo, School of Science | High Energy Physics | 2016/02/18 | 2016/02/20 | Speaker | |
Tomohiro Horiguchi | Tohoku U | Takeo Higuchi | 2016/02/19 | 2016/02/19 | Research | |
Romuald A. Janik | Jagellonian U. | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/02/19 | 2016/02/25 | Speaker |
Yoshiaki Seino | Niigata U. | Takeo Higuchi | 2016/02/22 | 2016/03/02 | Research | |
James E. Gunn | Princeton U | Naoyuki Tamura | Astrophysics | 2016/02/24 | 2016/02/26 | Research |
Christian Klingenberg | U Wurzburg | Naoki Yoshida | Mathematics | 2016/02/25 | 2016/02/26 | Research |
Louis Lyons | U Oxford | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/02/29 | 2016/03/04 | Research |
Peter Nugent | LBL, Berkeley | Naoki Yoshida | Astronomy | 2016/02/29 | 2016/03/02 | Speaker |
Elena Sorokina | Sternberg Astro. Inst. | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/02/29 | 2016/03/30 | Research |
Yue (Tony) Yu | Paris Cite U | Todor Eliseev Milanov | Mathematics | 2016/03/01 | 2016/03/01 | Speaker |
Yuushi Sato | The University of Tokyo | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/03/02 | 2016/03/02 | Research |
Ataru Tanikawa | U Tokyo | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/03/02 | 2016/03/02 | Research |
Edward T. Kearns | Boston U | Neutrino Physics | 2016/03/05 | 2016/03/14 | Research | |
David Poland | Yale U | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/03/06 | 2016/03/08 | Speaker |
Serguey Todorov Petcov | SISSA | Hitoshi Murayama | Particle Theory | 2016/03/07 | 2016/03/18 | Research |
Jin Min Yang | Tohoku U | Chengcheng Han | Particle Theory | 2016/03/07 | 2016/03/08 | Speaker |
Devendra Kumar Sahu | IIAP, IIA | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/03/09 | 2016/03/28 | Research |
Emanuele Daddi | CEA-Saclay | John David Silverman | Astronomy | 2016/03/10 | 2016/03/11 | Speaker |
Benjamin Hennion | MPI for Mathematics | Mikhail Kapranov | Mathematics | 2016/03/10 | 2016/03/23 | Research |
Daichi Kashino | Nagoya U | John David Silverman | Astronomy | 2016/03/10 | 2016/03/24 | Research |
Vincenzo Mainieri | ESO | John David Silverman | Astronomy | 2016/03/10 | 2016/03/11 | Speaker |
David Sanders | U Hawaii | John David Silverman | Astronomy | 2016/03/10 | 2016/03/11 | Research |
Edwin L Turner | Princeton U | Hitoshi Murayama | Astrophysics | 2016/03/10 | 2016/03/22 | Research |
Zabzine Max | Uppsala U | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/03/12 | 2016/03/16 | Speaker |
Ryuichiro Hada | Tohoku U | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/03/13 | 2016/03/15 | Research |
Hironao Miyatake | NASA JPL/Caltech | Masahiro Takada | High Energy Physics | 2016/03/13 | 2016/03/18 | Research |
Yuji Chinone | UC Berkeley | Nobuhiko Katayama | Astronomy | 2016/03/14 | 2016/03/27 | Research |
Yuuki Shiraishi | Osaka U | Akishi Ikeda | Mathematics | 2016/03/14 | 2016/03/18 | Research |
Gary Lowe | Montana State U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/03/15 | 2016/03/29 | Speaker |
Jonathan Richard Ellis | Kings College London | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/03/16 | 2016/03/18 | Speaker |
Izumi Ohta | Konan U | Nobuhiko Katayama | Astronomy | 2016/03/16 | 2016/03/19 | Lite BIRD for study meeting |
Yuushi Sato | The University of Tokyo | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/03/17 | 2016/03/17 | Research |
Aritoki Suzuki | UC Berkeley | Nobuhiko Katayama | Astrophysics | 2016/03/17 | 2016/03/27 | Research |
Ataru Tanikawa | U Tokyo | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/03/17 | 2016/03/17 | Research |
Hokuto Uehara | Tokyo Metropolitan U | Yukinobu Toda | Mathematics | 2016/03/17 | 2016/03/17 | Research |
Nathan Seiberg | IAS | Hitoshi Murayama | 2016/03/19 | 2016/03/27 | Speaker | |
Yasunori Nomura | UC Berkeley | Hitoshi Murayama | Particle Theory | 2016/03/20 | 2016/03/25 | Berkeley week at IPMU |
Tohru Eguchi | Rikkyo U | Hirosi Ooguri | Field Theory | 2016/03/21 | 2016/03/22 | Speaker |
Daniele Bertolini | LBL, Berkeley (LBNL) | Hitoshi Murayama | Particle Theory | 2016/03/22 | 2016/03/25 | Attendance |
Tomohiro Fujita | Stanford University | Ryo Namba | Cosmology | 2016/03/22 | 2016/03/26 | Speaker |
Keisuke Harigaya | LBL, Berkeley (LBNL) | Particle Theory | 2016/03/22 | 2016/03/25 | Speaker | |
Yonit Hochberg | UC Berkeley | Hitoshi Murayama | Theoretical Physics | 2016/03/22 | 2016/03/28 | Speaker |
Fabio Henrique Iunes Sanches | UC Berkeley | Hitoshi Murayama | Particle Theory | 2016/03/22 | 2016/03/25 | staff of event |
Eric Kuflik | Cornell U | Hitoshi Murayama | Particle Theory | 2016/03/22 | 2016/03/28 | Speaker |
Robert Mcgehee Jr | LBL, Berkeley (LBNL) | Hitoshi Murayama | Particle Theory | 2016/03/22 | 2016/03/25 | staff of event |
Thomas (Tom) Edward Melia | LBL, Berkeley (LBNL) | Hitoshi Murayama | Particle Theory | 2016/03/22 | 2016/03/25 | Attendance |
Nicholas Salzetta | LBL, Berkeley (LBNL) | Hitoshi Murayama | Particle Theory | 2016/03/22 | 2016/03/25 | staff of event |
Masatoshi Sato | Kyoto U | Hirosi Ooguri | Condensed Matter Physics | 2016/03/22 | 2016/03/24 | Symposium |
Tadashi Takayanagi | Kyoto U | Hirosi Ooguri | String Theory | 2016/03/22 | 2016/03/24 | Symposium |
Sean Jason Weinberg | UC Berkeley | Hitoshi Murayama | Particle Theory | 2016/03/22 | 2016/03/25 | staff of event |
Shinichiro Akiyama | ICU | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | Symposium | |
Ivan Dario Arraut Guerrero | Tokyo U of Science | Hirosi Ooguri | Cosmology | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium |
Masashi Hamanaka | Nagoya U | Hirosi Ooguri | Mathematics | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium |
Chika Hasegawa | Rikkyo U | Hirosi Ooguri | Particle Theory | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | Symposium |
Shin Hayashi | U Tokyo, Math Sci | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | Symposium | |
Shoichi Ichinose | U Shizuoka | Hirosi Ooguri | Particle Theory | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium |
Yukihisa Imamura | Kyoto U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium | |
Sung-Soo Kim | KIAS | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium | |
Naoki Kiryu | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Others | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | Symposium |
Isao Kishimoto | Niigata U. | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | Symposium | |
Kou Misabi | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Others | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | Symposium |
Hisayoshi Muraki | U Tsukuba | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium | |
Tokiro Numasawa | Kyoto U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium | |
Kantaro Ohmori | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Particle Theory | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | Symposium |
Izumi Ohta | Konan U | Nobuhiko Katayama | Astronomy | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/27 | Lite BIRD for study meeting |
Takuya Okuda | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | String Theory | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium |
Narisuke Sakai | Keio U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium | |
Ki-ichiro Sato | Tokyo U of Science | Hirosi Ooguri | Field Theory | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium |
Hiroyuki Shimizu | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Particle Theory | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | Symposium |
Hongfei Shu | Tokyo Tech | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium | |
Yuji Tachikawa | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Particle Theory | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | Symposium |
Tsukasa Tada | RIKEN | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium | |
Yoh Tanimoto | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Mathematics | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium |
Yuki Tsutsui | ICU | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | Symposium | |
Futoshi Yagi | KIAS | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | Symposium | |
Masahiko Yamada | U Tokyo, ISSP | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium | |
Yutaka Yoshida | KIAS | Hirosi Ooguri | String Theory | 2016/03/23 | 2016/03/23 | symposium |
Nicolas Regnault | CNRS | Nao Suzuki | Astrophysics | 2016/03/24 | 2016/03/29 | Research |
Kashima Shingo | NAOJ | Nobuhiko Katayama | 2016/03/24 | 2016/03/26 | Research | |
Junji Inatani | NAOJ | Nobuhiko Katayama | High Energy Physics | 2016/03/25 | 2016/03/27 | Speaker |
Kookhyun Kang | Kyungpook National U | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/03/27 | 2016/03/30 | Research |
Chiaki Kobayashi | U Hertfordshire | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/03/27 | 2016/04/02 | Research |
Simon James Wood | Australian Natl U | Masahito Yamazaki | Mathematical Physics | 2016/03/28 | 2016/04/01 | Speaker |
Nicholas Battaglia | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/03/30 | 2016/04/17 | Research |
Tobias Binder | U Gttingen | Hitoshi Murayama | Theoretical Physics | 2016/03/30 | 2016/06/05 | Research |
Sergey Blinnikov | ITEP | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/03/30 | 2016/04/08 | Research |
Robert Hugh Lupton | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/03/30 | 2016/04/22 | Research |
Sakine Nishi | Rikkyo U | Ryo Namba | Cosmology | 2016/03/30 | 2016/03/30 | Speaker |
Melissa Mcintosh | Harvard U | John David Silverman | 2016/03/31 | 2016/05/29 | Research | |
Michael Wemyss | U Edinburgh | William Ross Goodchild Donovan | Mathematics | 2016/03/31 | 2016/04/10 | Speaker |
Dmitry Khangulyan | Rikkyo U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/04/01 | 2016/04/01 | Research |
Yutaka Ushiroda | KEK | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/04/01 | 2016/04/01 | Research |
Tadashi Okazaki | Natl Taiwan U | Dongmin Gang | String Theory | 2016/04/02 | 2016/04/09 | Research |
Yongbin Ruan | U Michigan | Todor Eliseev Milanov | Mathematics | 2016/04/02 | 2016/04/09 | Speaker |
Kameswara Rao Kodali | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/04/03 | 2016/05/21 | Research |
Sukant Narendra Mayekar | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/04/03 | 2016/05/02 | Research |
Razieh Emami | HKUST | Ryo Namba | Particle Theory | 2016/04/05 | 2016/04/30 | Speaker |
Benedikt Diemer | Harvard U | Surhud Shrikant More | Astronomy | 2016/04/06 | 2016/04/22 | Speaker |
Yen-Ting Lin | ASIAA | Nao Suzuki | Astrophysics | 2016/04/06 | 2016/04/28 | Research |
Ryosuke Sato | Weizmann Inst | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/04/06 | 2016/04/06 | Speaker |
Toshiki Yoshinobu | Niigata U. | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/04/06 | 2016/04/09 | Research |
Anatol N. Kirillov | Kyoto U | Mathematics | 2016/04/07 | 2016/04/24 | Research | |
Shinji Mukohyama | Kyoto U | Cosmology | 2016/04/07 | 2016/04/11 | Research | |
Alan Weinstein | UC Berkeley | Toshitake Kohno | Mathematics | 2016/04/07 | 2016/04/18 | Research |
Mathew Madhavacheril | SUNY, Stony Brook | Astronomy | 2016/04/09 | 2016/04/19 | Speaker | |
Myeonghun Park | APCTP | Particle Theory | 2016/04/10 | 2016/04/14 | Research | |
Edgar Shaghoulian | UC Santa Barbara | Dongmin Gang | High Energy Physics | 2016/04/10 | 2016/04/17 | Speaker |
Min-Seok Seo | IBS | Michihisa Takeuchi | Astroparticle Physics | 2016/04/11 | 2016/04/16 | Speaker |
Masato Shirasaki | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/04/11 | 2016/04/15 | Research |
Po-Yen Tseng | Natl Tsing Hua U | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/04/11 | 2016/04/16 | Speaker |
Patrick Valageas | IPhT | Takahiro Nishimichi | 2016/04/11 | 2016/04/15 | Research | |
Cheng-Wei Chiang | NCU | Particle Theory | 2016/04/12 | 2016/04/14 | Research | |
Jean Etienne Coupon | University of Geneva | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/04/12 | 2016/05/10 | Research |
Anton Timur Jaelani | Tohoku U | Anupreeta Sadashiv More | 2016/04/12 | 2016/04/15 | Research | |
Gabriel Lopes Cardoso | UTL | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/04/13 | 2016/04/27 | Speaker |
Kookhyun Kang | Kyungpook National U | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/04/18 | 2016/04/29 | Research |
Akito Kusaka | LBL, Berkeley (LBNL) | Takeo Higuchi | Experimental Physics | 2016/04/18 | 2016/04/26 | Speaker |
Henry Mccracken | IAP | John David Silverman | Astronomy | 2016/04/20 | 2016/04/21 | Speaker |
Takashi Hosokawa | U Tokyo | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/04/21 | 2016/04/21 | Research |
Daisuke Nakauchi | Tohoku U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/04/21 | 2016/04/21 | Research |
Kota Ogasawara | Rikkyo U | Ryo Namba | Cosmology | 2016/04/22 | 2016/04/22 | Speaker |
Mangesh Madhukar Kolwalkar | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | 2016/04/24 | 2016/05/21 | Research | |
Yutaka Ushiroda | KEK | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/04/25 | 2016/04/25 | Research |
Jieqiang Wu | Peking U | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/04/26 | 2016/04/26 | Speaker |
Roderik Overzier | Observatorio Nacional Rio de Janeiro Brasil | Kiyoto Yabe | Astrophysics | 2016/04/27 | 2016/04/27 | Research |
Satoru Uozumi | Kyungpook National U | High Energy Physics | 2016/04/27 | 2016/04/29 | Research | |
Osamu Yasuda | Tokyo Metropolitan U | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/04/27 | 2016/04/27 | Speaker |
Shinji Mukohyama | Kyoto U | Cosmology | 2016/04/28 | 2016/05/05 | Research | |
Chiaki Kobayashi | U Hertfordshire | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/04/29 | 2016/05/05 | Research |
Satoshi Kondo | HSE | Mathematics | 2016/04/30 | 2016/05/03 | Research | |
Seidai Yasuda | Osaka U | Mathematics | 2016/04/30 | 2016/05/03 | Research | |
Tomoaki Ishiyama | NAOJ | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/05/02 | 2016/05/03 | Research |
Fredrik Bjoerkeroth | Hitoshi Murayama | 2016/05/03 | 2016/06/07 | Research | ||
Jose Manuel Marti Martinez | U Valencia | Hitoshi Murayama | Astrophysics | 2016/05/03 | 2016/09/03 | Research |
Ryo Yamamoto | U Tokyo | Masahiro Takada | 2016/05/06 | 2016/05/06 | Research | |
Eric Sharpe | Virginia Tech | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/05/08 | 2016/05/12 | Speaker |
Wilfried Buchmüller | DESY | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/05/09 | 2016/05/10 | Speaker |
Masato Shirasaki | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/05/09 | 2016/05/11 | Research |
Valentin Tonita | Humboldt U Berlin | Todor Eliseev Milanov | Mathematics | 2016/05/10 | 2016/05/22 | Speaker |
John Carlstrom | U Chicago | Nobuhiko Katayama | Cosmology | 2016/05/12 | 2016/05/13 | Speaker |
Satoshi Kondo | HSE | Mathematics | 2016/05/13 | 2016/05/14 | Research | |
Nassim Bozorgnia | U Amsterdam | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/05/17 | 2016/05/18 | Speaker |
Akikazu Hashimoto | U Wisconsin, Madison | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/05/18 | 2016/05/18 | Speaker |
Hiroaki Kanai | YNU | Nobuhiko Katayama | 2016/05/18 | 2016/05/18 | Research | |
Toshiki Yoshinobu | Niigata U. | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/20 | 2016/05/23 | Research |
Henry W Sobel | UC Irvine | Astroparticle Physics | 2016/05/24 | 2016/05/28 | T2K | |
Bogdan Stoica | CALTECH | Dongmin Gang | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/25 | 2016/05/27 | Speaker |
Chiaki Kobayashi | U Hertfordshire | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/05/26 | 2016/06/03 | Research |
Serguey Todorov Petcov | SISSA | Mark Patrick Hartz | Particle Theory | 2016/05/27 | 2016/06/01 | Speaker |
Kookhyun Kang | Kyungpook National U | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/29 | 2016/08/13 | Research |
Hongyu Li | Chinese Academy of Sciences | Alexie Solange Leauthaud Harnett | 2016/05/29 | 2016/06/13 | Research | |
Ran Li | Chinese Academy of Sciences | Alexie Solange Leauthaud Harnett | Astrophysics | 2016/05/29 | 2016/06/03 | Research |
Louis Lyons | U Oxford | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/29 | 2016/06/01 | Speaker |
Francisco Antonio Villaescusa-Navarro | INAF | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/29 | 2016/06/01 | Speaker |
Sara Algeri | Imperial Coll., London | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Joshua Amey | Imperial Coll. London | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Mohammad Sajjad Athar | Aligarh Muslim U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Joao Pedro Athayde Marcondes De Andre | Michigan State U | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Speaker |
Christopher Barry | U Liverpool | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Johannes Bergström | U Barcelona | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Speaker | |
Michael Betancourt | U Warwick | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Speaker | |
Ronald Bruijn | U Amsterdam | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Son Cao | Kyoto U | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Daniel Cherdack | Colorado State U | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Wonqook Choi | KISTI | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Georgios Christodoulou | U Liverpool | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Emilio Ciuffoli | Chinese Academy of Sciences | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Gabriel Collin | MIT | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Robert Cousins | UCLA | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Andrew Cudd | Michigan State U | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Stephen Dolan | U Oxford | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Patrick Dunne | Imperial Coll. London | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Megan Lynn Friend | KEK | Mark Patrick Hartz | Experimental Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Manojit Ghosh | Tokyo Metropolitan U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Particle Theory | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Ewen Gillies | Imperial Coll. London | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Leila Haegel | U Geneva | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Lei Hao | Chinese Academy of Sciences | Kevin Allen Bundy | Astrophysics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Speaker |
Asher Kaboth | Royal Holloway | Mark Patrick Hartz | Experimental Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Michiru Kaneda | Tokyo Tech | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Dean Karlen | U Victoria | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Teppei Katori | QMUL | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Marat Khabibullin | INR RAS | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Marco Kleesiek | KIT | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Youngju Ko | Chung-Ang U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Eunhyang Kwon | Seoul Natl U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Mathieu Lamoureux | CEA Saclay, IRFU | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Pierre Lasorak | QMUL | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Khee-Gan Lee | LBL, Berkeley | Nao Suzuki | Astronomy | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/03 | |
Yufeng Li | Chinese Academy of Sciences | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Phillip Litchfield | Imperial Coll. London | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Lu Lu | Chiba Univ | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Livia Ludhova | IKP-FZJ | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Wing Yan Ma | Imperial Coll. London | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Paul Martins | QMUL | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Jacob Morrison | Michigan State U | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Keigo Nakamura | Kyoto U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Christine Nielsen | U British Columbia | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Yasuhiro Nishimura | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Comittee |
Yoomin Oh | IBS | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/05/30 | Attendance | |
Jose Palomino | SUNY, Stony Brook | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Seokhee Park | Yonsei U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Luke Pickering | Imperial Coll. London | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Elder Pinzon | York University | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Ciro Riccio | U Naples | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Gabriel Santucci | SUNY, Stony Brook | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Hyunkwan Seo | Seoul Natl U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Kyungmin Seo | IBS | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Seon-Hee Seo | Seoul Natl U | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Davide Sgalaberna | U Geneva | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Raj Shah | U Oxford | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Itaru Shimizu | Tohoku U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
ChangDong Shin | Chonnam National U | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Michael Smy | UC Irvine | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/02 | Research |
Patrick Stowell | U Sheffield | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Sachiko Tsuruta | Montana State U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/06 | Research |
Yoshi Uchida | Imperial Coll. London | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Comittee |
Zoya Vallari | SUNY, Stony Brook | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
David Van Dyk | Imperial Coll., London | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Speaker | |
Cristovao Vilela | SUNY, Stony Brook | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Yue Wang | SUNY, Stony Brook | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Morgan Wascko | Imperial Coll. London | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Callum Wilkinson | LHEP U Bern | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Elizabeth Worcester | BNL | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Clarence Wret | Imperial Coll. London | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
InSung Yeo | Chonnam National U | Mark Patrick Hartz | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance | |
Tomoyo Yoshida | Tokyo Tech | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Mitchell Yu | York University | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/30 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Yoshinari Hayato | U Tokyo, ICRR | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/05/31 | 2016/06/01 | Comittee |
Soo-Bong Kim | Seoul Natl. U. | Mark Patrick Hartz | Experimental Physics | 2016/06/01 | 2016/06/01 | Attendance |
Roland Diehl | MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics | Ken'ichi Nomoto | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/02 | 2016/06/02 | Speaker |
Edwin L Turner | Princeton U | Hitoshi Murayama | Astrophysics | 2016/06/02 | 2016/06/21 | Research |
Francisco Antonio Villaescusa-Navarro | INAF | Masahiro Takada | Neutrino Physics | 2016/06/02 | 2016/06/08 | Research |
Johannes Walcher | Heidelberg University | Masahito Yamazaki | Mathematics | 2016/06/02 | 2016/06/03 | Speaker |
Viraf M Mehta | Heidelberg University | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/06/03 | 2016/06/09 | Speaker |
Changzheng Li | IBS-CGP | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/06/05 | 2016/06/10 | Research |
Hongyu Zhu | Carnegie Mellon U | Alexie Solange Leauthaud Harnett | 2016/06/05 | 2016/06/19 | Research | |
Enrico Brehm | LMU | Dongmin Gang | String Theory | 2016/06/06 | 2016/06/10 | Speaker |
Mark K Mezei | Princeton U | Itamar Yaakov | String Theory | 2016/06/06 | 2016/06/06 | Speaker |
Hiroshi Ohta | Nagoya U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/06/06 | 2016/06/11 | Research |
Dmytro Shklyarov | TU Chemnitz | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/06/06 | 2016/06/11 | Research |
Atsushi Takahashi | Osaka U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/06/06 | 2016/06/10 | Attendance |
Motohiko Kusakabe | U Notre Dame | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Particle Theory | 2016/06/07 | 2016/06/07 | Research |
Kameswara Rao Kodali | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/11 | 2016/07/30 | Research |
Jin Soo Lim | Princeton U | Naoki Yoshida | Astrophysics | 2016/06/11 | 2016/08/06 | Research |
Sukant Narendra Mayekar | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/11 | 2016/07/30 | Attendance |
Resmi Krishnankuttyelayath Puthumanaillam | TIFR | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/11 | 2016/07/30 | Research |
Matias Zaldarriaga | IAS | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/06/11 | 2016/06/17 | Attendance |
Prarit Agarwal | Seoul Natl. U. | Masahito Yamazaki | Theoretical Physics | 2016/06/12 | 2016/06/26 | Research |
Amanda Irene Karakas | Australian Natl U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/06/12 | 2016/07/02 | Research |
Tobias Baldauf | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | 2016/06/13 | 2016/06/16 | Attendance | |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/13 | 2016/06/17 | Research |
James L. Stone | Boston U | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/13 | 2016/06/23 | Research | |
Katsuro Nakamura | KEK | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/14 | 2016/06/14 | Research |
Bryan Terrazas | U Michigan | Kevin Allen Bundy | Astronomy | 2016/06/14 | 2016/06/14 | Speaker |
Takuro Abe | Kyushu U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/06/15 | 2016/06/17 | Research |
Christian Irmler | HEPHY, Austrian Academy of Sciences | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/15 | 2016/06/16 | Research |
Massimo Porrati | New York U | Masahito Yamazaki | 2016/06/15 | 2016/07/11 | Speaker | |
Sachiko Tsuruta | Montana State U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/06/15 | 2016/06/17 | Research |
Norimichi Hirakawa | Others | 2016/06/16 | 2016/07/04 | Research | ||
Tomohiro Horiguchi | Tohoku U | Takeo Higuchi | 2016/06/16 | 2016/06/18 | Research | |
Shinji Mukohyama | Kyoto U | Cosmology | 2016/06/16 | 2016/06/19 | Speaker | |
Hyebin Jeon | Kyungpook National U | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/18 | 2016/07/30 | Research |
Nakwoo Kim | Kyung Hee U | Masahito Yamazaki | Theoretical Physics | 2016/06/18 | 2016/06/23 | Research |
Raphael Hirschi | Keele University | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/06/19 | 2016/06/28 | Research |
Chien-i Chiang | UC Berkeley | Hitoshi Murayama | Particle Theory | 2016/06/21 | 2016/08/23 | Research |
Andrew Cudd | Michigan State U | Mark Patrick Hartz | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/21 | 2016/08/23 | Research |
Jacob Morrison | Michigan State U | Christophe Bronner | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/21 | 2016/08/23 | Research |
Rene Meyer | SUNY, Stony Brook | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/06/22 | 2016/07/03 | Speaker |
Atsushi Nishizawa | Nagoya U | Takahiro Nishimichi | Astronomy | 2016/06/22 | 2016/06/22 | Research |
Kohsaku Tobioka | KEK | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/06/22 | 2016/06/24 | Research |
Christopher W. Walter | Duke U | Neutrino Physics | 2016/06/22 | 2016/07/02 | Hyper-K | |
Christian Irmler | HEPHY, Austrian Academy of Sciences | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/23 | 2016/06/25 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/23 | 2016/06/24 | Research |
Yoshiaki Seino | Niigata U. | Takeo Higuchi | 2016/06/23 | 2016/06/23 | Research | |
Robert Michael Quimby | San Diego State U | Astronomy | 2016/06/25 | 2016/07/21 | Research | |
Chiaki Kobayashi | U Hertfordshire | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/06/26 | 2016/06/30 | Research |
William Raphael Hix | U Tennessee | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/06/27 | 2016/06/28 | Speaker |
Tomomi Sunayama | Yale U | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/06/27 | 2016/07/01 | Research |
Shuai Zha | CUHK | Shing Chi Leung | Astronomy | 2016/06/28 | 2016/07/19 | Speaker |
Kipp Cannon | U Tokyo, School of Science | Ken'ichi Nomoto | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/29 | 2016/06/29 | Speaker |
Colin Ingalls | U New Brunswick | Todor Eliseev Milanov | Mathematics | 2016/06/29 | 2016/06/29 | Speaker |
Takashi Nakamura | Kyoto U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/06/29 | 2016/06/30 | Speaker |
Yutaka Ushiroda | KEK | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/29 | 2016/06/29 | Research |
Roberto Franceschini | CERN | Shigeki Matsumoto | Particle Theory | 2016/06/30 | 2016/07/02 | Speaker |
Shingo Kamimoto | Hiroshima University | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/06/30 | 2016/07/01 | Speaker |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/06/30 | 2016/07/01 | Research |
Boryana Tsvetanova Hadzhiyska | Princeton U | Naoki Yoshida | Astrophysics | 2016/07/03 | 2016/08/27 | Research |
Bernhard Mueller | QUB | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/07/03 | 2016/07/08 | Speaker |
Fabio Henrique Iunes Sanches | UC Berkeley | Yasunori Nomura | Particle Theory | 2016/07/04 | 2016/07/10 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/07/04 | 2016/07/05 | Research |
Nicholas Salzetta | LBL, Berkeley (LBNL) | Yasunori Nomura | Particle Theory | 2016/07/04 | 2016/07/11 | Research |
Toru Tsuboyama | KEK | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/07/04 | 2016/07/04 | Research |
Sean Jason Weinberg | UC Berkeley | Yasunori Nomura | Particle Theory | 2016/07/04 | 2016/07/10 | Research |
Chan Youn Park | Rutgers U, New Brunswick/Piscataway | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/07/05 | 2016/07/08 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/07/06 | 2016/07/07 | Research |
Masato Shirasaki | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/07/06 | 2016/07/08 | Research |
Andrew Bunker | U Oxford | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/07/08 | 2016/07/14 | Research |
Chiaki Kobayashi | U Hertfordshire | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/07/08 | 2016/07/15 | Research |
Seungcheol Lee | Kyungpook National U | Takeo Higuchi | Experimental Physics | 2016/07/09 | 2016/07/30 | Research |
Francesco Belfiore | KICC | Kevin Allen Bundy | 2016/07/11 | 2016/07/15 | Research | |
Eleanor (Nell) Byler | U Washington, Seattle | Kevin Allen Bundy | Astronomy | 2016/07/11 | 2016/07/15 | Research |
Meng Gu | Harvard U | Kevin Allen Bundy | 2016/07/11 | 2016/07/15 | Research | |
Benjamin Johnson | Harvard U | Kevin Allen Bundy | 2016/07/11 | 2016/07/15 | Research | |
Andrew Kels | Australian Natl U | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/07/11 | 2016/07/15 | Speaker |
Yu-Jing Qin | KIAA, Peking U. | Kevin Allen Bundy | 2016/07/11 | 2016/07/15 | Research | |
Gagan Bihari Mohanty | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/07/15 | 2016/07/23 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/07/15 | 2016/07/15 | Research |
Brian Fujikawa | LBL, Berkeley | Kunio Inoue | Neutrino Physics | 2016/07/18 | 2016/08/02 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/07/18 | 2016/07/18 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/07/19 | 2016/07/20 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/07/22 | 2016/07/22 | Research |
Hwanbae Park | Kyungpook National U | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/07/24 | 2016/07/27 | Research |
Andreas Karch | U Washington, Seattle | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/07/25 | 2016/07/26 | Speaker |
Hokuto Uehara | Tokyo Metropolitan U | Yukinobu Toda | Mathematics | 2016/07/25 | 2016/07/26 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/07/26 | 2016/07/27 | Research |
Sho Tanimoto | U Copenhagen | Todor Eliseev Milanov | Mathematics | 2016/07/26 | 2016/07/26 | Speaker |
Hassan Firouzjahi | IPM | Ryo Namba | Astrophysics | 2016/07/27 | 2016/07/28 | Speaker |
Shiro Ikeda | ISM | Nobuhiko Katayama | Mathematics | 2016/07/28 | 2016/07/28 | Attendance |
Hirokazu Ishino | Okayama U | Nobuhiko Katayama | Astroparticle Physics | 2016/07/28 | 2016/07/29 | Attendance |
Toshinori Mori | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Nobuhiko Katayama | High Energy Physics | 2016/07/28 | 2016/07/28 | Speaker |
Sunil Mukhi | Tata Inst | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/07/28 | 2016/07/29 | Speaker |
Kazuki Sakurai | Duhram University | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/07/28 | 2016/08/06 | Speaker |
Satoshi Yamamoto | U Tokyo | Nobuhiko Katayama | Astrophysics | 2016/07/28 | 2016/07/28 | Speaker |
Xiaoyi Cui | U Gttingen | Mikhail Kapranov | Mathematics | 2016/07/29 | 2016/10/04 | Research |
Shinji Mukohyama | Kyoto U | Cosmology | 2016/07/29 | 2016/08/01 | Research | |
Wen Yin | Tohoku U | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/07/29 | 2016/07/29 | Speaker |
Agnieszka Maria Bodzenta-Skibinska | U Edinburgh | Alexey Bondal | Mathematics | 2016/08/01 | 2016/08/11 | Research |
Katsuro Nakamura | KEK | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/02 | 2016/08/02 | Research |
Andrew Coates | U Nottingham | Ryo Namba | Cosmology | 2016/08/03 | 2016/08/08 | Research |
Sanshiro Enomoto | U Washington, Seattle | Neutrino Physics | 2016/08/03 | 2016/08/17 | Research | |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/03 | 2016/08/03 | Research |
Hiroyasu Tajima | Nagoya U, ISEE | Nobuhiko Katayama | 2016/08/04 | 2016/08/04 | Research | |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/05 | 2016/08/05 | Research |
Lakshya Bhardwaj | Perimeter Institute | Yuji Tachikawa | Theoretical Physics | 2016/08/06 | 2016/10/16 | Research |
Cheng-Wei Chiang | Natl Taiwan U | Tsutomu Yanagida | Particle Theory | 2016/08/06 | 2016/09/11 | Research |
Encieh Enfari | IASBS | Ryo Namba | Cosmology | 2016/08/08 | 2016/08/21 | Speaker |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/08 | 2016/08/08 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/09 | 2016/08/09 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/10 | 2016/08/10 | Research |
Djordje Radicevic | Stanford U | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/08/10 | 2016/08/10 | Speaker |
Kenji Iohara | U Lyon | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/08/15 | 2016/09/15 | Speaker |
Vanessa Mcbride | U Cape Town | Yuki Moritani | Astronomy | 2016/08/15 | 2016/08/19 | Research |
Itumeleng Monageng | U Cape Town | Yuki Moritani | 2016/08/15 | 2016/08/25 | Research | |
Atsuo Okazaki | Hokkai-Gakuen U | Yuki Moritani | 2016/08/15 | 2016/08/19 | Research | |
Guillaume Patanchon | APC | Nobuhiko Katayama | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/15 | 2016/09/16 | Research |
Shun Saito | MPI for Astrophysics | Alexie Solange Leauthaud Harnett | Cosmology | 2016/08/15 | 2016/08/21 | Research |
Akiko Kawachi | Tokai U | Yuki Moritani | Astrophysics | 2016/08/16 | 2016/08/24 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/16 | 2016/08/17 | Research |
Minori Watanabe | National Inst of Tech, Asahikawa | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/16 | 2016/08/19 | Research |
Sho Chimasu | Tokai U | Yuki Moritani | 2016/08/18 | 2016/08/24 | Research | |
Hironao Miyatake | NASA JPL/Caltech | Masahiro Takada | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/18 | 2016/09/02 | Attendance |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/18 | 2016/08/18 | Research |
Young-Kee Kim | U Chicago | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/19 | 2016/08/23 | Comittee | |
Jonathan Richard Ellis | Kings College London | Particle Theory | 2016/08/21 | 2016/08/23 | Comittee | |
Jphnny Greco | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/21 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Steven Kahn | SLAC | Cosmology | 2016/08/21 | 2016/08/23 | Comittee | |
Yen-Ting Lin | ASIAA | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/21 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Elinor Medezinski | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/21 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
David Robert Morrison | UC Santa Barbara | Mathematics | 2016/08/21 | 2016/08/26 | Comittee | |
Paul Price | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/21 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Nigel Smith | TRIUMF | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/21 | 2016/08/23 | Comittee | |
Sherry Suyu | MPI for Astrophysics | Nao Suzuki | Astronomy | 2016/08/21 | 2016/09/02 | Research |
Anneya Golob | Saint Marys U | Masahiro Takada | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance | |
Masayuki Akiyama | Tohoku U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Bob Armstrong | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Jim Bosch | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Ying-Tung Chen | ASIAA | Masahiro Takada | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance | |
Yu-Chi Cheng | NCU | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Yi-Kuan Chiang | U Tokyo, ICRR | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Masashi Chiba | Tohoku U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
I-Non Chiu | ASIAA | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Nicole Czakon | ASIAA | Masahiro Takada | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance | |
Eiichi Egami | U Arizona | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Xiaohui Fan | U Arizona | Masahiro Takada | High Energy Astrophysics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Andy Goulding | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Astroparticle Physics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/24 | Attendance |
Takashi Hamana | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance | |
Masao Hayashi | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Wanqiu He | Tohoku U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Yuichi Higuchi | ASIAA | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/28 | Attendance |
Li-Ting Hsu | ASIAA | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Masatoshi Imanishi | NAOJ, Hawaii | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/23 | Attendance |
Akio Inoue | Osaka Sangyo U | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Ikuru Iwata | NAOJ, Hawaii | Masahiro Takada | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance | |
Sadayoshi Kojima | Tokyo Tech | Mathematics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/22 | Comittee | |
Akira Konno | U Tokyo, ICRR | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Li-Hwai Lin | ASIAA | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Shien-Chieh Lin | Natl Taiwan U | Masahiro Takada | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance | |
Chengze Liu | Shanghai Jiao Tong U | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Jia Liu | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Robert Hugh Lupton | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Rachel Mandelbaum | Carnegie Mellon U | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Yoshiki Matsuoka | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Genoveva Micheva | U Michigan | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Sogo Mineo | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Takashi Moriya | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Tohru Nagao | Ehime U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Mana Niida | Ehime U | Masahiro Takada | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance | |
Atsushi Nishizawa | Nagoya U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Kodai Nobuhara | Ehime U | Masahiro Takada | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance | |
Nobuhiro Okabe | Hiroshima University | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Sadanori Okamura | Hosei U | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/22 | Comittee | |
Yuki Okura | RIKEN | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Yoshiaki Ono | U Tokyo, ICRR | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Ken Osato | U Tokyo, ICRR | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Shun Saito | MPI for Astrophysics | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Masao Sako | U Pennsylvania | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Marcin Sawicki | Saint Marys U | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Takatoshi Shibuya | U Tokyo, ICRR | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Kazuhiro Shimasaku | U Tokyo | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Masato Shirasaki | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Sherry Suyu | ASIAA | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Masayuki Tanaka | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Benjamin Luke Thorne | U Oxford | Nobuhiko Katayama | Astrophysics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/25 | Research |
Yoshiki Toba | ASIAA | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Nozomu Tominaga | Konan U | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Jun Toshikawa | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Keiichi Umetsu | Academia Sinica | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Yousuke Utsumi | Hiroshima U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Masaki Yamaguchi | U Tokyo, IoA | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Moegi Yamamoto | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance | |
Fumi Yoshida | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Sihan (Sandy) Yuan | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/08/22 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Hisanori Furusawa | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Yuichi Harikane | U Tokyo, ICRR | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/31 | Attendance |
Yusuke Hayashi | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Ryo Higuchi | U Tokyo, ICRR | Masahiro Takada | Cosmology | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Thuong Duc Hoang | APC | Nobuhiko Katayama | Experimental Physics | 2016/08/23 | 2016/09/02 | Research |
Daisuke Honma | Tohoku U | Masahiro Takada | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance | |
Yuto Ichinohe | Tokyo Metropolitan U | Masahiro Takada | High Energy Astrophysics | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Hiroyuki Ikeda | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Yipeng Jing | Shanghai Jiao Tong U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/31 | Attendance |
Daichi Kashino | Nagoya U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/26 | Attendance |
Issha Kayo | Tokyo U of Tech | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Satoshi Kikuta | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Yuki Kimura | Tohoku U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Michitaro Koike | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Yutaka Komiyama | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Ikuyuki Mitsuishi | Nagoya U | Masahiro Takada | Astroparticle Physics | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Satoshi Miyazaki | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Yukie Oishi | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance | |
Masafusa Onoue | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Naomi Ota | Nara Womens U | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Yuji Shirasaki | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Michael Abram Strauss | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Masaomi Tanaka | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Ji-Jia Tang | ASIAA | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/27 | Attendance |
Hisakazu Uchiyama | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Shutaro Ueda | JAXA | Masahiro Takada | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance | |
Yuji Urata | NCU | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Kenneth Christopher Wong | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Yoshihiko Yamada | NAOJ | Masahiro Takada | Astrophysics | 2016/08/23 | 2016/08/25 | Attendance |
Khee-Gan Lee | LBL, Berkeley | Nao Suzuki | Astronomy | 2016/08/24 | 2016/08/27 | Research |
Andrew Coates | U Nottingham | Ryo Namba | Cosmology | 2016/08/25 | 2016/08/28 | Research |
Yoshifumi Hyakutake | Ibaraki U | Dongmin Gang | Particle Theory | 2016/08/25 | 2016/08/25 | Speaker |
Ken'ichi Izawa | Tokushima U | Particle Theory | 2016/08/25 | 2016/08/27 | Research | |
Taotao Fang | Xiamen U | Nao Suzuki | 2016/08/28 | 2016/08/31 | Attendance | |
Akio Inoue | Osaka Sangyo U | Nao Suzuki | Astrophysics | 2016/08/28 | 2016/08/31 | Speaker |
Khee-Gan Lee | LBL, Berkeley | Nao Suzuki | Astronomy | 2016/08/28 | 2016/08/31 | Speaker |
Sebastiano Cantalupo | ETH Zurich | Nao Suzuki | Astronomy | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/31 | Speaker |
Yi-Kuan Chiang | U Tokyo, ICRR | Nao Suzuki | Astrophysics | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/31 | Attendance |
Jordi Miralda Escude | U Barcelona | Nao Suzuki | Astrophysics | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/31 | Speaker |
Kenji Hasegawa | Nagoya U | Nao Suzuki | Astrophysics | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/31 | Attendance |
Daichi Kashino | Nagoya U | Nao Suzuki | Astronomy | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/31 | Attendance |
Toru Misawa | Shinshu U. | Nao Suzuki | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/30 | Speaker | |
Shiro Mukae | U Tokyo, ICRR | Nao Suzuki | Astronomy | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/31 | Attendance |
Kazuyuki Ogura | Ehime U | Nao Suzuki | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/31 | Attendance | |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/29 | Research |
Jason Xavier Prochaska | UC Santa Cruz | Nao Suzuki | Astronomy | 2016/08/29 | 2016/09/02 | Speaker |
Malte Schramm | NAOJ | Nao Suzuki | Astronomy | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/31 | Attendance |
Rhythm Shimakawa | Sokendai | Nao Suzuki | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/31 | Attendance | |
Takumi Sumida | Nagoya U | Nao Suzuki | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/31 | Attendance | |
Hideki Umehata | U Tokyo, IoA | Nao Suzuki | Astronomy | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/30 | Attendance |
Masayuki Umemura | U Tsukuba | Nao Suzuki | Astroparticle Physics | 2016/08/29 | 2016/08/31 | Speaker |
Zheng Zheng | U Utah | Nao Suzuki | Cosmology | 2016/08/29 | 2016/09/01 | Speaker |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/30 | 2016/08/30 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/08/31 | 2016/08/31 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/09/02 | 2016/09/02 | Research |
Si Li | Tsinghua University | Kyoji Saito | Mathematical Physics | 2016/09/04 | 2016/09/09 | Research |
Andrey Losev | HSE, National Research University | Kyoji Saito | Mathematical Physics | 2016/09/04 | 2016/09/10 | Attendance |
Michael Brown | HCM, Bonn | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Aaron Chan | Nagoya U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Tobias Dyckerhoff | HCM | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Speaker |
Tomohiro Fujita | Stanford University | Ryo Namba | Cosmology | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/09 | Research |
Masahiro Futaki | Osaka Prefecture U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Norimichi Hirakawa | Others | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/26 | Research | ||
Kohei Kikuta | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance | |
Tatsuki Kuwagaki | U Tokyo, Math Sci | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Changzheng Li | IBS-CGP | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Hideki Matsumura | Keio U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Daniel Murfet | The University of Melbourne | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Speaker |
Hiroshi Ohta | Nagoya U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Kaoru Ono | Kyoto U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Takahiro Saito | U Tsukuba | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Fumihiko Sanda | Nagoya U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Kohei Sato | NIT-Akita College | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Yota Shamoto | Kyoto U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Yuuki Shiraishi | Kyoto U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Atsushi Takahashi | Osaka U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Speaker |
Dai Tamaki | Shinshu U. | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Hokuto Uehara | Tokyo Metropolitan U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/07 | Attendance |
Kohei Yahiro | U Tokyo, Math Sci | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Misako Yokoyama | Shizuoka U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/09/05 | 2016/09/08 | Attendance |
Jason Lott Evans | KIAS | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/09/06 | 2016/09/13 | Speaker |
Monojit Gnosh | Tokyo Metropolitan U | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/09/06 | 2016/09/06 | Research |
Shuji Tanaka | KEK | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/09/06 | 2016/09/06 | Research |
Toru Tsuboyama | KEK | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/09/06 | 2016/09/06 | Research |
Yutaka Ushiroda | KEK | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/09/06 | 2016/09/06 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/09/07 | 2016/09/07 | Research |
Hiroyasu Tajima | Nagoya U, ISEE | Nobuhiko Katayama | 2016/09/07 | 2016/09/07 | Research | |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/09/08 | 2016/09/08 | Research |
Suresh Tanu Divekar | TIFR | Takeo Higuchi | 2016/09/11 | 2016/10/08 | Research | |
Kameswara Rao Kodali | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/09/11 | 2016/10/19 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/09/12 | 2016/09/12 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/09/15 | 2016/09/15 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/09/16 | 2016/09/16 | Research |
Sukant Narendra Mayekar | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/09/18 | 2016/10/22 | Research |
Yuji Chinone | UC Berkeley | Nobuhiko Katayama | Astronomy | 2016/09/20 | 2016/09/21 | Research |
Charles Henry Simpson | U Oxford | Mark Robert Vagins | Astroparticle Physics | 2016/09/22 | 2016/09/30 | Research |
Tomislav Vladisavljevic | U Oxford | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/09/24 | 2016/10/02 | Attendance |
Ken Shen | UC Berkeley | Keiichi Maeda | Astronomy | 2016/09/25 | 2017/09/29 | Workshop |
Kenta Ando | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Particle Theory | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Hayato Arai | Kyoto U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Amorim Cassio | Nagoya U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Hayato Chiba | Kyushu U | Hirosi Ooguri | Mathematics | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Yuya Dan | Matsuyama U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Shu Ebihara | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Theoretical Physics | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Yuichiro Hoshino | Waseda U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Akio Hosoya | Tokyo Tech | Hirosi Ooguri | Particle Theory | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Masahiro Hotta | Tohoku U | Hirosi Ooguri | Condensed Matter Physics | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Ryosuke Imai | Waseda U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Shota Imaki | Tokyo U of Science | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Yohei Kashima | U Tokyo | Mathematics | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Yasuyuki Kawahigashi | U Tokyo, Math Sci | Hirosi Ooguri | Mathematics | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Shoichiro Miyashita | Waseda U | Hirosi Ooguri | String Theory | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Shota Mizukami | Waseda U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Kaede Nakano | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Others | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Hideaki Nishikawa | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Others | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Kazuya Okamura | Nagoya U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Masanao Ozawa | Nagoya U | Hirosi Ooguri | Mathematical Physics | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Takahiro Sagawa | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Others | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Rui Sakano | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Others | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Motoki Seki | Waseda U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Naoyuki Shibata | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Theoretical Physics | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Kouki Shinoda | U Hyogo | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Sho Sugiura | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Others | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Kazumine Suzuki | Tokyo U of Science | Hirosi Ooguri | Particle Theory | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Tsukasa Tada | RIKEN | String Theory | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Kouki Taro | Tokyo U of Science | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Hal Tasaki | Gakushuin U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Satoru Tokuda | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Others | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Hokuto Uehara | Tokyo Metropolitan U | Yukinobu Toda | Mathematics | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/28 | Research |
Ken Umeno | Kyoto U | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Haruki Watanabe | U Tokyo | Hirosi Ooguri | Condensed Matter Physics | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop |
Tomohiko Yokoyama | U Tokyo | Others | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Kyo Yoshida | U Tsukuba | Hirosi Ooguri | 2016/09/27 | 2016/09/27 | Workshop | |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/09/29 | 2016/09/30 | Research |
Luis Campusano | U Chile | Nobuhiko Katayama | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/01 | 2016/10/13 | Research |
Andrey Zhiglo | KIPT | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/10/01 | 2018/03/31 | Research |
Sergey Blinnikov | ITEP | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/10/02 | 2016/11/29 | Research |
Kookhyun Kang | Kyungpook National U | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/03 | 2016/10/28 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/03 | 2016/10/04 | Research |
Elder Pinzon | York University | Mark Patrick Hartz | Neutrino Physics | 2016/10/03 | 2016/10/31 | Research |
Alexander Kusenko | UCLA | Hitoshi Murayama | Particle Theory | 2016/10/05 | 2016/12/20 | Research |
Akito Kusaka | LBL, Berkeley (LBNL) | Nobuhiko Katayama | Experimental Physics | 2016/10/06 | 2016/10/09 | Research |
Christopher W. Walter | Duke U | Neutrino Physics | 2016/10/06 | 2016/10/16 | Research | |
Hokuto Uehara | Tokyo Metropolitan U | Takeo Higuchi | Mathematics | 2016/10/07 | 2016/10/07 | Research |
Hironao Miyatake | NASA JPL/Caltech | Masahiro Takada | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/10 | 2016/11/04 | Research |
Petr Baklanov | ITEP | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/10/11 | 2016/11/10 | Speaker |
Masanori Inoue | Osaka Prefecture U | Tomotake Matsumura | 2016/10/11 | 2016/10/14 | Research | |
Francesco Forti | INFN | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/12 | 2016/10/22 | Research |
Ken (Ke-Jung) Chen | NAOJ | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/10/13 | 2016/10/13 | Speaker |
Olcyr De Lima Sumensari | Universite Paris-Sud | Hitoshi Murayama | Theoretical Physics | 2016/10/13 | 2016/11/12 | Research |
Vadim Schechtman | U Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier | Mikhail Kapranov | Mathematics | 2016/10/16 | 2016/10/30 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/17 | 2016/10/17 | Research |
Masaomi Tanaka | NAOJ | Naoki Yasuda | Astronomy | 2016/10/17 | 2016/10/19 | Research |
Nozomu Tominaga | Konan U | Naoki Yasuda | Astrophysics | 2016/10/17 | 2016/10/19 | Research |
Tommaso Treu | UCLA | John David Silverman | Astrophysics | 2016/10/17 | 2016/10/21 | Speaker |
Simona Murgia | UC Irvine | Mihoko Nojiri | Particle Theory | 2016/10/18 | 2016/10/26 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/18 | 2016/10/18 | Research |
Tim Tait | UC Irvine | Mihoko Nojiri | Particle Theory | 2016/10/18 | 2016/10/26 | Research |
Toshiya Namikawa | Stanford University | Nobuhiko Katayama | Cosmology | 2016/10/19 | 2016/10/20 | Speaker |
Akihiro Suzuki | Kyoto U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/10/19 | 2016/10/21 | Speaker |
Harold Williams | U Texas | Masahito Yamazaki | Mathematics | 2016/10/19 | 2016/10/23 | Speaker |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/20 | 2016/10/20 | Research |
Boris Pioline | CERN | Dongmin Gang | String Theory | 2016/10/20 | 2016/10/21 | Speaker |
Antonio Paladino | INFN | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/22 | 2016/12/14 | ||
Houjun Mo | U Massachusetts | Surhud Shrikant More | Astronomy | 2016/10/23 | 2016/10/29 | Speaker |
Kunimoto Komatsu | Okayama U | Tomotake Matsumura | Experimental Physics | 2016/10/24 | 2016/11/11 | Research |
Takuo Matsuoka | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/10/24 | 2016/10/28 | Speaker | |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/25 | 2016/10/25 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/26 | 2016/10/26 | Research |
Dmitry Khangulyan | Rikkyo U | Alexey Tolstov | Astrophysics | 2016/10/27 | 2016/10/27 | Research |
David Nichols | Radboud U Nijmegen | Dongmin Gang | String Theory | 2016/10/27 | 2016/10/28 | Speaker |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/27 | 2016/10/27 | Research |
Alexey Rosly | ITEP | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/10/30 | 2016/11/17 | Research |
Felix Kahlhoefer | DESY | Surhud Shrikant More | Astrophysics | 2016/10/31 | 2016/11/04 | Speaker |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/10/31 | 2016/10/31 | Research |
Paolo Rossi | U Burgundy | Todor Eliseev Milanov | 2016/10/31 | 2016/11/02 | Speaker | |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/01 | 2016/11/01 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/02 | 2016/11/02 | Research |
Andrew Bunker | U Oxford | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/11/04 | 2016/11/10 | Research |
Chiaki Kobayashi | U Hertfordshire | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/11/04 | 2016/11/10 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/04 | 2016/11/04 | Research |
Serguey Todorov Petcov | SISSA | Hitoshi Murayama | Particle Theory | 2016/11/04 | 2016/11/18 | Research |
Zvonimir Vlah | Stanford U | Masahiro Takada | 2016/11/04 | 2016/11/15 | Attendance | |
Patrick Decowski | U Amsterdam | Neutrino Physics | 2016/11/06 | 2016/11/16 | Research | |
Philipp Edelmann | HITS | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/11/06 | 2016/11/19 | Speaker |
Samuel Jones | HITS | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/11/06 | 2016/11/19 | Speaker |
Kookhyun Kang | Kyungpook National U | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/06 | 2016/12/30 | Research |
Richard Stancliffe | U Bonn | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/11/06 | 2016/11/12 | Speaker |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/07 | 2016/11/07 | Research |
Carlos Pena Garay | IFIC | Hitoshi Murayama | Theoretical Physics | 2016/11/07 | 2016/12/09 | Research |
Marcus Christian Werner | Kyoto U | Surhud Shrikant More | Mathematical Physics | 2016/11/07 | 2016/11/08 | Research |
Shuai Zha | CUHK | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/11/07 | 2016/11/22 | Research |
Misa Aoki | ICU | Ken'ichi Nomoto | 2016/11/08 | 2016/11/08 | Research | |
Shobhit Gupta | IIT | Surhud Shrikant More | 2016/11/10 | 2016/11/13 | Research | |
Timothy Logvinenko | Cardiff U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/11/10 | 2016/11/20 | Speaker |
Anton Fonarev | Steklov Math. Inst. | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/11/11 | 2016/11/20 | Speaker |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/11 | 2016/11/11 | Research |
Benjamin Hennion | MPI for Mathematics | Mikhail Kapranov | Mathematics | 2016/11/12 | 2016/11/26 | Research |
Edward T. Kearns | Boston U | Neutrino Physics | 2016/11/12 | 2016/11/20 | Attendance | |
Agnieszka Maria Bodzenta-Skibinska | U Edinburgh | Alexey Bondal | Mathematics | 2016/11/13 | 2016/12/03 | Research |
Alexander Efimov | Steklov Math. Inst. | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/11/13 | 2016/11/20 | Research |
Andrei Ionov | HSE, National Research University | Kyoji Saito | Mathematical Physics | 2016/11/13 | 2016/11/27 | Speaker |
Alexander Kuznetsov | Steklov Math. Inst. | Mathematics | 2016/11/13 | 2016/11/19 | Speaker | |
Victor Przhiyalkovskiy (Przyjalkowski) | Steklov Math. Inst. | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/11/13 | 2016/11/19 | Speaker |
Kate Scholberg | Duke U | Neutrino Physics | 2016/11/13 | 2016/11/20 | Attendance | |
Martin Bucher | CNRS | Tomotake Matsumura | 2016/11/14 | 2016/11/25 | Research | |
Shinobu Hosono | Gakushuin U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematical Physics | 2016/11/14 | 2016/11/15 | Speaker |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/14 | 2016/11/14 | Research |
Charles Kirkham Rhodes | U Illinois at Chicago | Kai Uwe Martens | 2016/11/14 | 2016/11/16 | Speaker | |
Yuuki Shiraishi | Kyoto U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/11/14 | 2016/11/18 | |
Daniel Hugues Sternheimer | U Burgundy | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/11/14 | 2016/11/14 | Attendance |
Akira Ishii | Hiroshima U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/11/15 | 2016/11/16 | Attendance |
Robert Hugh Lupton | Princeton U | Masahiro Takada | Astronomy | 2016/11/15 | 2016/11/23 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/15 | 2016/11/15 | Research |
Atsushi Takahashi | Osaka U | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/11/15 | 2016/11/18 | Speaker |
Patrick Francois | Paris Observatory | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/11/16 | 2016/11/16 | Speaker |
Andy Gallagher | Paris Observatory | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/11/16 | 2016/11/16 | Research |
Daniel Hugues Sternheimer | U Burgundy | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/11/16 | 2016/11/18 | Attendance |
James L. Stone | Boston U | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/16 | 2016/11/20 | Research | |
Hyebin Jeon | Kyungpook National U | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/17 | 2016/11/28 | Research |
Tatsuki Kuwagaki | U Tokyo, Math Sci | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/11/17 | 2016/11/18 | Speaker |
Seungcheol Lee | Kyungpook National U | Takeo Higuchi | Experimental Physics | 2016/11/17 | 2016/11/28 | Research |
Takashi Moriya | NAOJ | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/11/17 | 2016/11/17 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/17 | 2016/11/19 | Research |
Deepam Patel | Purdue University | Tomoyuki Abe | 2016/11/18 | 2016/11/26 | Research | |
Yutaka Ushiroda | KEK | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/18 | 2016/11/18 | Research |
Hokuto Uehara | Tokyo Metropolitan U | Yukinobu Toda | Mathematics | 2016/11/21 | 2016/11/22 | Research |
Miguel Vazquez-Mozo | Salamanca U | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/11/22 | 2016/12/20 | Speaker |
Satoshi Yamaguchi | Osaka U | Dongmin Gang | String Theory | 2016/11/22 | 2016/11/22 | Speaker |
Kameswara Rao Kodali | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/23 | 2016/12/23 | Research |
Hiroyasu Tajima | Nagoya U, ISEE | Nobuhiko Katayama | 2016/11/24 | 2016/11/24 | Research | |
Raje Thomas | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/24 | 2016/12/19 | Research |
Sachiko Tsuruta | Montana State U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/11/24 | 2017/01/17 | Research |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/25 | 2016/11/25 | Research |
Sukant Narendra Mayekar | Tata Inst | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/26 | 2016/12/27 | Research |
Yuri Efremenko | U Tennessee | Neutrino Physics | 2016/11/27 | 2016/12/07 | Research | |
Atsushi Kanazawa | Kyoto U | Todor Eliseev Milanov | Mathematical Physics | 2016/11/28 | 2016/11/28 | Speaker |
Marika Taylor | U Southampton | Hitoshi Murayama | Theoretical Physics | 2016/11/28 | 2016/12/09 | Research |
Kunimoto Komatsu | Okayama U | Tomotake Matsumura | Experimental Physics | 2016/11/29 | 2016/12/09 | Research |
Masanori Inoue | Osaka Prefecture U | 2016/11/30 | 2016/12/02 | Research | ||
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/11/30 | 2016/11/30 | Research |
Rene Meyer | U Wurzburg | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/12/01 | 2016/12/02 | Research |
Ryosuke Sato | Weizmann Inst | Michihisa Takeuchi | Particle Theory | 2016/12/01 | 2017/01/31 | Speaker |
Daniel Jafferis | Harvard U | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/12/05 | 2016/12/09 | Speaker |
Elisabeth Krause | Stanford University | Masahiro Takada | 2016/12/05 | 2016/12/07 | Research | |
Danilo Marchesini | Tufts U | John David Silverman | Astronomy | 2016/12/05 | 2016/12/09 | Speaker |
Peter Behroozi | Space Telescope Science Institute | Surhud Shrikant More | Cosmology | 2016/12/07 | 2016/12/20 | Speaker |
Sakurako Okamoto | KIAA, Peking U. | Miho N. Ishigaki | Astronomy | 2016/12/07 | 2016/12/07 | Research |
Valentin Tonita | Humboldt U Berlin | Todor Eliseev Milanov | Mathematics | 2016/12/07 | 2016/12/10 | Research |
Gary Hill | U Texas | Surhud Shrikant More | Cosmology | 2016/12/08 | 2016/12/08 | Speaker |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/12/08 | 2016/12/09 | Research |
Nobuhiro Shimizu | U Tokyo | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/12/08 | 2016/12/08 | Research |
Masanori Inoue | Osaka Prefecture U | Tomotake Matsumura | 2016/12/09 | 2016/12/23 | Research | |
Aleksey Cherman | U Washington | Masahito Yamazaki | Particle Theory | 2016/12/11 | 2016/12/18 | Speaker |
Gerald Dunne | U Connecticut | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/12/11 | 2016/12/17 | Speaker |
Takashi Aoki | Kindai U | Masahito Yamazaki | Mathematics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/15 | Speaker |
Ivan Dario Arraut Guerrero | Tokyo U of Science | Masahito Yamazaki | Cosmology | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Attendance |
Gokce Basar | U Maryland | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker |
Melina Bersten | CONICET | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/12/12 | 2017/01/16 | Research |
Manos Chatzopoulos | Louisiana State U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/15 | Speaker |
Ovidiu Costin | Ohio State U | Masahito Yamazaki | Mathematics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker |
Frédéric Fauvet | U Strasbourg | Masahito Yamazaki | Mathematics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Attendance |
Toshiaki Fujimori | Keio U | Masahito Yamazaki | Particle Theory | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Attendance |
Alexander Getmanenko | U Los Andes | Masahito Yamazaki | Mathematics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker |
Syo Kamata | Fudan U | Masahito Yamazaki | Particle Theory | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Attendance |
Sangmin Lee | Seoul Natl U | Masahito Yamazaki | String Theory | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Attendance |
Tatsuhiro Misumi | Akita U | Masahito Yamazaki | Particle Theory | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/12 | |
Takashi Otofuji | Nihon U | Masahito Yamazaki | Mathematics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Attendance |
Erich Poppitz | U Toronto | Masahito Yamazaki | Field Theory | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker |
Pavel Putrov | IAS | Masahito Yamazaki | Theoretical Physics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker |
Norisuke Sakai | Keio U | Masahito Yamazaki | Particle Theory | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Attendance |
David Sauzin | CNRS | Masahito Yamazaki | Theoretical Physics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker |
Thomas Schaefer | NC State U | Masahito Yamazaki | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker | |
Ricardo Schiappa | UTL | Masahito Yamazaki | Mathematical Physics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker |
Gabriele Spada | SISSA | Masahito Yamazaki | Theoretical Physics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker |
Daniel Hugues Sternheimer | Rikkyo U. | Masahito Yamazaki | Mathematics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Attendance |
Tin Sulejmanpasic | NC State U | Masahito Yamazaki | Mathematical Physics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker |
Hiromasa Takaura | Tohoku U | Masahito Yamazaki | Particle Theory | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Attendance |
Yoshitsugu Takei | Kyoto U | Masahito Yamazaki | Mathematics | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker |
Yuya Tanizaki | RIKEN BNL | Masahito Yamazaki | Particle Theory | 2016/12/12 | 2016/12/16 | Speaker |
Takashi Moriya | NAOJ | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/12/13 | 2016/12/13 | Research |
Hiroyasu Tajima | Nagoya U, ISEE | Nobuhiko Katayama | 2016/12/14 | 2016/12/14 | Research | |
Darcy Barron | UC Berkeley | Nobuhiko Katayama | 2016/12/15 | 2016/12/16 | Research | |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/12/17 | 2016/12/19 | Research |
Martin Gilles Bureau | U Oxford | Surhud Shrikant More | Astronomy | 2016/12/21 | 2016/12/22 | Speaker |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/12/22 | 2016/12/22 | Research |
Gaston Folatelli | CONICET | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/12/23 | 2017/01/16 | Research |
Andrew Bunker | U Oxford | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astrophysics | 2016/12/26 | 2017/01/11 | Research |
Federico Garcia | IAR - CONICET | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/12/26 | 2017/01/20 | Speaker |
Chiaki Kobayashi | U Hertfordshire | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/12/26 | 2017/01/13 | Research |
Takuo Matsuoka | Kyoji Saito | Mathematics | 2016/12/26 | 2016/12/26 | Research | |
Yoshiyuki Onuki | U Tokyo, ICEPP | Takeo Higuchi | High Energy Physics | 2016/12/26 | 2016/12/26 | Research |
Hokuto Uehara | Tokyo Metropolitan U | Yukinobu Toda | Mathematics | 2016/12/26 | 2016/12/28 | Research |
Gary Lowe | Montana State U | Ken'ichi Nomoto | Astronomy | 2016/12/27 | 2017/01/16 | Speaker |
Domenico Orlando | U Bern | Dongmin Gang | String Theory | 2016/12/30 | 2017/01/20 | Speaker |
Susanne Reffert | U Bern | Dongmin Gang | String Theory | 2016/12/30 | 2017/01/20 | Speaker |